Garden Bridge

Garden Bridge
No matter where you are there's always a bridge to Home

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thought I should write a few words today, after all it is a special day. We can't believe we've been together for 35 years. Lots and lots of wonderful memories. Can't ever remember being single. Can't believe how fast the years have gone by. Mostly can't believe our children are all grown up, and are doing so well with their own lives. Grandpa Wilde said to me just a few weeks ago when we were getting ready for the wedding; "You and Bev have such a beautiful family and all doing so well and staying so strong, and no ones gone astray yet." I laughed at the time, but I've thought about what he said many times since. I think Welling was a great place to raise a family. And I hope it will be a place the grandchildren will want to come back to often and that they will think of it as a great place to visit and to enjoy.
When the Westwinds Paper people were here yesterday taking pictures and asking questions, one question they asked was "Do your grandchildren like to come and play in this yard?". I thought about how empty our beautiful yard looked without children running around in it. I hope I'm not to overly protective of the yard when the kids are playing here, I realize I need to chill out sometimes when they're playing near the stream and pond. After all things can be fixed and put back together.
But they did ask an interesting question; "Who's the force behind all this, and who's idea was it?" We thought about this and decided that it's been a very joint venture. Something we both have enjoyed doing over the years. I highly recommend that all my children and their spouses find something that they enjoy doing together, and then immerse yourselves in it and see how much growth, enjoyment and pleasure you can deride from it. It really does help you grow together.
Well today was cold, overcast and rainy at times. Quite a bit different from September 13, 1975, when it was very warm and sunny and really a perfect summer day. I talked about this with a fellow at Ag Steel today, and he told me that he was celebrating his 54th wedding anniversary on the twenty something this month, (he remembered but I've forgotten the exact date he said), and he said it was a beautiful warm sunny day for them too. So... so much for global warming.
We went out to dinner at the Firestone restaurant to celebrate tonight and got home at about 8:00 or so and Mal said " Ooh, you stayed out late tonight". Happy 35th To us.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! I thought about it all day at work, and then forgot to call you by the time I got Ty down to bed. Hope it was a great day! We love you guys.
