This is the canal taken from our lawn and looking towards the road. Notice the raging stream entering the river at the upper left. It's coming from a huge lake in the field above. All the debris in the centre is the water level almost at the top of the culvert going under the road. There's a huge whirlpool over the culvert where the water is being sucked in.
This video is the whirlpool. That's a telephone pole trapped there so you can see it's a big culvert. If you fell in there you'd be sucked straight through the culvert and probably drown. So if you see something like this kids, stay away from it!!!
Just a few more pictures of the flood. Of course, we got home from the Temple last night,, and the water was starting to come into the basement. So we got up every hour and a half or so and vacuumed with the wet/dry vacuum. No real damage due to our vigilance and hard work. It stopped raining today, and hopefully everything will return to normal in a few days.